M360 Customer API documentation

Possible error codes

Generic errors

Error code HTTP status Description
app:unknown_error 500 An unexpected error occured during the processing of the request
routing:not_found 404 The requested content or resource does not exist
routing:not_allowed 405 The specified request method is not allowed here
routing:json_required 400 Only application/json type requests are accepted by this route
validation:parameter_error 400 One or more input parameters are missing or invalid

Authentication and authorization errors

Error code HTTP status Description
auth:unauthorized 401 Authorization is required to access this route
auth:forbidden 403 Access forbidden with the given credentials

Licencing related errors

Error code HTTP status Description
subscription:no_active_subscription 400 An active licence is required to complete the requested operation

Specific object related errors

Error code HTTP status Description
device_session:permission_denied 403 Permission denied for this object
device_session:not_found 404 The specified device session object was not found
diagnostics_result:not_found 404 The specified diagnostics result object was not found
grading_result:not_found 404 The specified grading result object was not found
wipe_result:not_found 404 The specified wipe result object was not found
oem_check_result:not_found 404 The specified OEM check result object was not found
diagnostics_report:permission_denied 403 Permission denied for this object
diagnostics_report:invalid_combination 400 Included results must belong to the given device session